Sliced and dried raw banana, known as Kannan kaya, is meticulously prepared from raw bananas sourced exclusively from farmers practicing 100% natural farming methods. The bananas are carefully peeled and sliced into circular pieces before being dried. Once dried, these kannan kaya slices are ground into a fine powder. This powder, rich in nutrients, is then used to make a wholesome porridge by boiling it with milk and water.
This traditional preparation not only preserves the natural goodness of the raw bananas but also enhances their nutritional benefits. Kannan kaya is prized for its high fiber content, potassium, and essential vitamins, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet. The porridge made from this powder provides a nourishing and energy-boosting meal that is both comforting and nutritious, reflecting a commitment to natural farming and sustainable food practices. –
healthy food